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Streamlining Success: Why Less is More for Your Small Business

January 29, 20242 min read

Today, let's delve into the age-old wisdom of "less is more" and explore how this concept can transform your small local business. Whether you run a cozy restaurant, an electrical business, an e-commerce website, or a boutique floral shop, the value of streamlining your services or products cannot be overstated. It's like carrying around a leaky bucket – if you spread yourself too thin, you won't be able to do anything well.

I once came across Tim Huckabee's flower-selling strategy – Small, Medium, and Large. And it struck me how effective simplicity can actually be when it comes to sales. 

For those of you with e-commerce websites, consider this: What if having fewer options could be better for your business? Picture a restaurant with an overwhelming menu – do you find it easier to choose from a concise selection, or do you get lost in a sea of choices? 

The same principle applies to your customers browsing your website. If you have numerous products that aren’t really connected but only a few best sellers, it might be time to declutter. Maybe it’s time to become known as the stunning stationery website or the place to go for the most amazing smelling candles. Narrow down your offerings and watch as customers find exactly what they need without feeling overwhelmed.

Adopting this approach can lead to a 30% increase in average order sales for many businesses. Imagine the positive impact on your bottom line when customers can effortlessly choose from a streamlined selection.

It's always beneficial to step back and evaluate how you're presenting your products or services. You may feel that having more options is of benefit to your customers but why not shift your perspective instead to creating a more focused and user-friendly experience. When we simplify the choices in front of us, it creates less resistance and eases the decision making process.

Plus it means that you don’t have to be spending as much creating or holding different products that may never sell and eat into your profitability. 

And when we have less to ‘offer’ then we can make sure that what we do offer is exceptional quality or service.

In the end, what truly matters to customers is great value, outstanding quality, and exceptional service – and that's exactly what your streamlined business can deliver. So, simplify, focus, and watch your business thrive in providing exactly what your customers desire.

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Christi Lopez

As the mastermind behind Propel Coaching, and with over 35 entrepreneurial experience Christi helps business owners and entrepreneurs tap into hidden revenue streams while maximizing their ROI (Return-On-Investment) and minimizing their marketing and advertising expenses.

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