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Elevate Customer Service

How to elevate customer service in your small business

January 15, 20243 min read

Okay, now answer this truthfully! How many of you cringe when you hear that dreaded voicemail from a customer that has called after hours because she has a question about the order you delivered that day?


You get an email from that client that wants to keep changing the deliverables on their project every day!

You really want to just ignore them and deal with it another day, right?

WRONG! It’s so much better to “eat the frog”!

As small business owners, staying ahead of the curve is paramount to success. In this blog, we'll explore how you can implement proactive strategies to enhance customer service, build trust, and foster loyalty.

In today's dynamic business landscape, being reactive is no longer enough. To truly thrive, small business owners must be proactive in identifying and meeting client needs before they even voice them. This foresight not only enhances customer satisfaction but also positions your business as one that is dedicated to exceeding expectations. That in turn builds trust, loyalty, and most importantly leads to repeat customers – the true goldmine for any business.

Anticipating Client Questions

Consider the scenario of a client calling with a barrage of questions about a recently delivered retail order. Instead of waiting for the call, imagine if you had proactively communicated all the necessary information beforehand, addressing potential queries and concerns. This can be done with order confirmation emails, shipping emails and if you want to go the extra mile, how to use your product emails which tell the customer everything they need to be able to start using your product. By staying ahead, you not only save time but also showcase your commitment to proactive customer service.

You can also proactively answer customer questions via your website or store front. Imagine you run a bakery. Instead of waiting for customers to inquire about ingredients or allergens, proactively display this information on your website. By doing so, you not only cater to customer concerns in advance but also position your business as transparent and considerate.

Ignoring customer questions, complaints, or problems is a luxury small businesses can't afford. Instead, view these interactions as opportunities to build trust. Whenever you get questions from customers make a note of it. Had the same question more than 3 times? Time to make that information available somewhere that customers can easily find it or create an email around it. 

Prioritizing Customer Service

In the age of heightened customer expectations, exceptional customer service is the linchpin of success. Prioritize customer interactions, actively seek feedback, and be responsive to concerns. Building trust through proactive problem-solving is the foundation for cultivating customer loyalty.

Let’s take the example of a local chauffeur service, being proactive means going beyond merely driving clients from point A to B. Suppose a client frequently struggles with finding suitable restaurants for business meetings. By compiling a list of recommended local establishments and sharing it with your clients you are solving potential problems before they arise, and positing your chauffeur service as a valuable partner in your client's endeavors.

Other ways that you can improve your customer service is by:

  •  Establishing a clear communication plan and providing regular updates. 

  • Offering flexible options for customization. 

  • Providing a dedicated point of contact for customer accounts, ensuring that feel that there is someone they can always contact when issues arise. 

Regardless of your industry, the power of proactive strategies cannot be overstated. Anticipating client needs and proactive problem-solving not only builds trust but also creates a loyal customer base – a priceless asset in this era and one that definitely should not be overlooked. 

Customer Service Small Business adviceHow to create better customer serviceImprove customer service
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Christi Lopez

As the mastermind behind Propel Coaching, and with over 35 entrepreneurial experience Christi helps business owners and entrepreneurs tap into hidden revenue streams while maximizing their ROI (Return-On-Investment) and minimizing their marketing and advertising expenses.

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