Being an entrepreneur can feel harder than ever at the moment. With the bleak perspective on the news and the rise of social media meaning that we are constantly comparing ourselves to the next business, we can very quickly start to feel trapped by the entrepreneurial myth, or e-myth as I like to call it.
These days it seems that as long as you have ambition, capital and social media you can succeed at business. That sounds great, but it’s not realistic.
Think of starting a business as a marathon. Sure, everyone starts out of the gate at a record pace, but after a few miles people start slowing and some drop out entirely. Building a successful business takes stamina and versatility.
The reality is that there are multiple facets of a successful business and none of them should be overlooked if you want to find success.
Being an entrepreneur is about facing an almost daily roller coaster of emotions that comes with starting, and nurturing a business.
The emotions that will be experienced, in order, are:
· Exhilaration;
· Exhaustion;
· Despair;
· Sense of self-loss.
My mentor often says, “Think of business as if you’re playing Monopoly. After halfway through if you’re playing full out, you feel like you are losing. But if you stay in the game, you end up winning!”
These days we have become so caught up on the idea of instant success that even the smallest setback can send you into an emotional tailspin. This can also be brought on by the stark realization that you are not capable of doing it all by yourself and will require assistance in order to have sustainable success. So often I meet small business owners who are passionate about what they do but they have areas of weakness or areas where they lack knowledge and this is what is really holding them back.
We feel like because we have started a business that we should know everything about running and marketing a business and the truth is that a lot of us don’t and that’s OK. That’s why it’s so important to get the right support - by building a team around you to help you execute and by getting coaching in the areas of business that you aren’t the strongest in.
Rather than turning in when things are feeling tough, I invite you to turn out and ask for that help.
Ready to stop feeling overwhelmed and defeated? Reach out to me today to find out more about business coaching and how it can help you scale your business.