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Small Business Owner

So you want to quit your job and take your business full-time?

February 19, 20242 min read

Picture this: you're mingling with potential new pals, and when they learn you run a small business, they can't help but express their dream of turning their passion into a full-time gig. "Running a business must be so exciting and freeing," they say. And sure, it is! But just like in the world of flowers, where I found my niche, there are a few truths about diving into entrepreneurship that might surprise you.

First things first: Start Small.

Don't be afraid to kick off your venture from the comfort of your home. It's how I began, setting up shop in my mom's basement and later gaining experience at another business. Whether whipping up batches of cookies in your home kitchen (when you dream of having your own bakery) beginning in a familiar space can be a smart move. Just like a baker wouldn't start with a grand wedding cake, and a photographer might not begin with a massive event, testing the waters in a smaller setting allows you to refine your craft without overwhelming yourself. And remember, asking for help is key – no successful business owner does it alone!

Next up: Get to Know Your Product and Get the Education You Need.

Just as I familiarized myself with flowers, you need to understand your product inside out. For you, it might be the ins and outs of your specific industry. For example if you are a stationery creator, knowing the nuances of different paper and printing techniques will pay off in the future. Cultivate relationships with suppliers and dive into online resources for valuable insights. 

Moving on: Get to Know Your Style.

Your business, like your design aesthetic, will evolve over time. Let your creativity flow while absorbing the best practices and mechanics of your trade. Embrace the journey of self-discovery within your business; it's where you'll find your unique voice. If you want to be a photographer then enjoy the process of developing your own unique way of capturing moments and photography style.

Now, Get to Know Your Business.

Starting out means wearing multiple hats – marketing, accounting, fulfilling on your product or service, you name it. It's a lot, but the drive to see your dream succeed will keep you going. Late nights and long hours might be in the cards, but each moment contributes to the growth of your enterprise.

And, don't forget: Ask for Help. It's perfectly okay to seek support. In my early years, my mom and friends were my lifelines. Whether it's setting up events or seeking advice, a helping hand goes a long way. As JFK wisely said, "A rising tide lifts all boats."

Feeling a bit overwhelmed? I offer coaching sessions to individuals starting their entrepreneurial journey. Let's connect on a call – because building your business is an exciting adventure, and you don't have to navigate it alone!

Taking my business full time How to take my business full timestarting a businessscaling side hustle
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Christi Lopez

As the mastermind behind Propel Coaching, and with over 35 entrepreneurial experience Christi helps business owners and entrepreneurs tap into hidden revenue streams while maximizing their ROI (Return-On-Investment) and minimizing their marketing and advertising expenses.

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